May 12, 2010

Spare Room Gallery: Together/Apart

We had our 2nd Spare Room Gallery show on May 1st at our studio in Gowanus. The theme was Together/Apart. Photos from the show can be viewed on flickr and on the blog! It was a wonderful time- lovely people, a mini feast and great art! It was fantastic to see how each person interpreted the theme.

Here's my video piece- I also made a corresponding flip book. The song is Le Tigre's After Dark. It was my first foray into video... I still have a lot to learn, and would like to tweak a few transitions, but it was tons of fun!

Maps Delineating Movement (2010)

flyer designed by tim vienckowski
photo by lydia nichols

1 comment:

Meg said...

A flip book - what a fabulous idea.