November 3, 2012

Small Works at the Philadelphia Sculpture Gym

Last night was First Friday in Philadelphia, and the Philadelphia Sculpture Gym put on a Small Works show. It was so good to go out after a really long two weeks to see friends and some really lovely work in a neighborhood I don't spend much time in. (I have three of my While You Were Sleeping pieces in it!)

The Philadelphia Sculpture Gym won the Knight Arts Challenge in 2011, and it was started "to help Philadelphia sculptors create their works safely by creating a “sculpture gym” where artists can use heavy-duty tools, have storage space and get one-on-one help with projects."

Although they are still in the midst of finishing the space, the vision is really impressive. The gallery is in full swing, already hosting shows featuring casting and wood processes and a solo show by Terri Aluise. There will be classroom space, a woodshop, hot and cold metal shops, and storage space. I'm definitely considering a membership there!

1 comment:

Meg said...

Congratulations!! Fascinating exhibition.